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Chantal Cadieux

Artistic Director


Chantal Cadieux is intimately linked to the development and flourishing of dance in Acadia. In 1979, Chantal Cadieux founded the DansEncorps Productions, the first Professional Dance Company in New Brunswick. She has choreographed over a hundred works, whether for the Company, the Jeune Troupe, the school or outside contracts. Sans Frontière, Oda, Sébomatik and Respire par le nez are only some of the full-length choreographies Chantal has created and were performed in various parts of the world.

Chantal teaches movement education for the theater department and the School of Kinesiology of the Université de Moncton, training physical educators since 1980. In November 2010, Cadieux received the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for High Achievement in Arts in New Brunswick. 

Since 2014, under the direction of Cadieux’s initiative, the company has started to coproduce new works with other dance companies in French Canada.  This allowed Chantal to perform and tour in a coproduction with PPS Danse (Montreal) in l’École Buissonière in 2015 and 2016. A project with Code Universel, Daniel Bélanger from Quebec was developed between December 2017 and June 2018.


In 2018, Chantal was invited as resident artist at the Escaouette Theater to produce her latest work Respire par le nez (Take a Deep Breath), a 50-minute work for youth. It premiered in August 2018. Recipient of the RADARTS-ROSEQ prize in 2018, the work is now on tour in schools and theatres all over Canada. In November 2019, Chantal was nominated for the Heritage prize for the 2020 edition of the AAAPNB'S Éloizes.

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Moncton, New Brunswick

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